Showing 61 - 70 of 184
For wide classes of put-like and call-like perpetual options under Levy processes satisfying the (ACP)-property, the optimal exercise price and rational option price are found. The results are formulated in terms of resolvent operators of the supremum and infimum processes, which are natural...
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Using the real options approach, we show that discounted utility anomalies result from the optimizing behavior of an individual with standard preferences, who perceives the utility from consumption in the future as uncertain, and believes that she can wait. The fair price (or compensation) that...
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This paper provides a general framework for pricing of perpetual American and real options in regime-switching Levy models. In each state of the Markov chain, which determines switches from one Levy process to another one, the payoff stream is a monotone function of the Levy process labelled by...
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For wide classes of payoff functions and Lévy processes, we solve perpetual restricted optimal stopping problems, when one exercise region is exogenously given (barrier like feature), and the other is chosen to optimize the option value, and straddle-like perpetual options, when the optimal...
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We suggest new efficient integral representations and methods for evaluation of pdfs, cpds and quantiles of stable distributions. For wide regions in the parameter space, absolute errors of order 10 can be achieved in 0.005-0.1 msec (Matlab implementation), even when the index of the...
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We suggest new families of integral representations of pdfs and cpds of stable distributions, which lead to efficient numerical methods. The first method is based on the approximation of the characteristic exponent by functions analytic in the complex plane with two cuts i(-∞,-λ] and i[λ,...
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Here, two highly experienced authors present an alternative approach to optimal stopping problems. The basic ideas and techniques of the approach can be explained much simpler than the standard methods in the literature on optimal stopping problems. The monograph will teach the reader to apply...
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The real options approach is used to explain discounted utility anomalies as artifacts of the optimizing behavior of an individual with standard preferences, who perceives the utility from consumption in the future as uncertain. For this individual,waiting is valuable because uncertainty is...
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We explain essentially all known discounted utility anomalies as artefacts of the optimizing behavior of an individual with a time-separable utility function, who perceives a good as a source of a stochastic consumption stream, and believes that she can wait for an optimal moment to buy or sell...
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Integral representations for expectations of functions of a stable L\'evy process $X$ and its supremum $\bar X$ are derived. As examples, cumulative probability distribution functions (cpdf) of $X_T, \barX_T$, the joint cpdf of $X_T$ and $\barX_T$, and the expectation of $(\be X_T-\barX_T)_+$,...
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