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relative-wage norms as a central element of wage formation. Norms change endogenously, leading to path dependence (hysteresis …) in the stationary solution for the employment share of the modern sector. The effects of shocks - the sensitivity of the … long-run outcome to initial conditions - may be amplified by non-linearities in the adjustment of wages to deviations of …
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The aim of this paper is to account for both the short-run fluctuations and the very-long run transformations induced by technological change in analysing long-run growth patterns. The paper investigates the possible imprint left by short-run fluctuations on the long run dynamics by affecting...
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-labor policies and growth on one hand, and long-run employment on the other; (c) are consistent with the evidence on the distributive …
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The aim of this paper is to account for both the short-run fluctuations and the very-long run transformations induced by technological change in analysing long-run growth patterns. The paper investigates the possible imprint left by short-run fluctuations on the long run dynamics by affecting...
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The aim of this paper is to account for both the short-run uctuations and thevery-long run transformations induced by technological change in analysing long-rungrowth patterns. The paper investigates the possible imprint left by short-run uctuationson the long run dynamics by aecting the...
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The paper builds a non-linear macrodynamic model to study the relation between the functional distribution of income, technological progress and economic growth. In the short-term, the interaction between the productivity regime, the demand regime and the distributive conflict generates cyclical...
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, which resembles a rudimentary first approximation to an accelerator, and of a hysteresis effect in wage formation in turn …
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We propose a theoretical framework to reconcile episodes of V-shaped and L-shaped recovery, encompassing the behaviour of the U.S. economy before and after the Great Recession. In a DSGE model with endogenous growth, negative demand shocks destroy productive capacity, moving GDP to a lower...
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How do wages respond to financial recessions? Based on a dynamic macroeconomic model with frictions in the labor and … and explore their effect on wages. First, the financial labor wedge reduces wages. Second, financial constraints may … interact with aggregate labor market conditions in various ways putting upward or downward pressure on wages. We test partial …
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We document two striking facts about U.S. firm dynamics and interpret their significance for aggregate employment … gradual shift of employment from younger to older firms over the same period. Both observations hold across industries and … unchanged. Consequently, the reallocation of employment toward older firms results entirely from the cumulative effect of the …
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