Showing 101 - 110 of 169
An exogenously defined poverty line yields poverty headcounts between any two points in time that are a net outcome of hte two-way traffic into and out of poverty. This paper arugues that, for the rural Indian context, where housing is too lumpy and illiquid to be used for consumption smoothing...
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It is well-recognized that new technology is a crucial part of any solution to the problem of climate change. But since investments in research and development take time to mature, price and quantity instruments, i.e., carbon taxes and cap-and-trade, run into a commitment problem. We assume that...
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We consider the problem of choosing a partition of a set of objects by a set of agents. The private information of each agent is a strict ordering over the set of partitions of the objects. A social choice function chooses a partition given the reported preferences of the agents. We impose a...
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We consider deterministic dominant strategy implementation in multidimensional dichotomous domains in private values and quasi-linear utility setting. In such multidimensional domains, an agent's type is characterized by a single number, the value of the agent, and a non-empty subset of...
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This paper investigates how neighbourhood effects interacting with income inequality affect poor people's ability to access basic facilities like health care services, schooling and so on. We model this interaction by integrating consumers' income distribution with the spatial distribution of...
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This paper estimates the climate sensitivity of electricity demand by examining the impact of apparent temperature on electricity demand in Delhi using daily data on electricity demand for the period 2000-09. The study adopts a semi-parametric variable coefficient model in order to investigate...
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In this paper we seek to provide a resolution of the Edgeworth paradox for the case where firms are free to supply less than the quantity demanded, the residual demand function is {\it manipulable} (a generalization of the proportional one) and prices vary over a grid. We demonstrate that a...
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This paper explores the manner in which race and income interact to determine patterns of residential location in metropolitan areas. We use a framework in which individuals care about both the level of affluence and the racial composition of their communities, and in which there are differences...
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It is generally presumed that strengthening the enforcement of lender rights expands the set of incentive compatible loan contracts, resulting in increased access to credit for all types of borrowers. This is based on an implicit assumption of inlnitely elastic supply of loans. With inelastic...
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