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Konjunkturzyklus. Es zeigt sich, dass der jahrzehntelange Aufwärtstrend der Arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland vollständig durch Hysterese … erklärt werden kann. Dagegen folgte die Arbeitslosigkeit in den USA keinem Hysterese-Muster, auch nicht während der großen … Rezession. Deutschland überstand diese Rezession so gut, weil sowohl Hysterese als auch strukturelle Arbeitslosigkeit durch …
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Bivariate SVAR models employing long-run identifying restrictions are often used to investigate the source of business cycle fluctuations. Their advantage is the simplicity in use and interpretation. However, their low dimension may also lead to a failure of the identification procedure, with...
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We employ a time-varying parameter VAR to examine the dynamic effect of uncertainty shocks on unemployment during …
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control for low-frequency movements in inflation, unemployment, and growth that are pervasive in the post-WWII period. We show … that cyclical fluctuations of inflation are related to cyclical movements in real activity and unemployment, in line with …
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We estimate Okun's law, the negative relationship between output and the unemployment rate, at the sector level for the … coefficients are proportional to the aggregate in all four countries. We also show that the standard deviation of unemployment is …
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The impact of economic fluctuations on the total unemployment rate is widely studied, however, with respect to age- and … gender-specific unemployment, this relationship is not so well examined. We apply the gap version of Okun’s law, aiming to … estimate youth unemployment rate sensitivity to output deviations from its potential level. Additionally, we aim to compare …
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We estimate Okun's law, the negative relationship between output and the unemployment rate, at the sector level for the … coefficients are proportional to the aggregate in all four countries. We also show that the standard deviation of unemployment is …
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The impact of economic growth on unemployment is commonly agreed and extensively studied. However, how age and gender … apply Okun's law, aiming to estimate age-, gender- and educational attainment level-specific unemployment rate sensitivity … output change on the unemployment rate, supporting higher effects of recessions than that of expansions, we aim to enrich …
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How do international labor markets respond to a technology shock and what is the main transmission channel across countries with different labor market institutions? To answer these questions, I identify technology shocks using the approach of Galí (1999) and decompose the responses of total...
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This paper shows that a search and matching model with idiosyncratic training cost shocks can explain the asymmetric movement of the job-finding rate over the business cycle and the decline of matching efficiency in recessions. Large negative aggregate shocks move the hiring cutoff into a part...
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