Showing 61 - 70 of 180
Russian Abstract: Здоровье населения – важнейший компонент человеческого капитала, человеческого потенциала любой страны. Здоровье населения лежит в основе успешного...
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In 2017, Russia saw natural decline in the population: within 11 months the number of deaths surpassed the number of births by 122,000 persons. The mortality rate is slowly going down. Blood circulatory system diseases are still the major cause of death in Russia. The analysis of the regional...
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Russian Abstract: В настоящее время Россия находится на пути перехода к сложному этапу, который характеризуется естественной убылью населения страны. На фоне...
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As seen from the analysis of the data of the third wave of the Man, Family and Society survey carried out by the Institute for Social Analysis and Forecasting, RANEPA, people rate highly birth-rate promotion measures undertaken by the RF Government from 2007. Most measures which came into effect...
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According to preliminary data released by Rosstat, in 2018 life expectancy for Russian population increased by 0.2 year and came to 72.84 years. One of the acute demographic problems in Russia is high differentiation of life expectancy by gender which is due to low life expectancy for males. In...
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Russian Abstract: За первые десять месяцев 2020 г. естественная убыль населения России достигла 468 тыс. человек – это максимальный показатель за последние 14 лет. В...
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This article examines the relationship of infant mortality to the level of mother's education on the example of the republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan in the years 1988-1996. Statistical information for the years allows us to calculate infant mortality rates for 6 levels of mother's...
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Russian Abstract: В настоящем издании кратко обрисована современная демографическая ситуация в России. Фокус внимания сосредоточен на тенденциях рождаемости и...
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In 2017, the number of births began declining. This is due to the population makeup according to sex and age. To be more precise, it is due to small number of women at the peak of reproductive age. Another demographic hole is forecast for a period of at least 10 years. Despite the decline in the...
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This article is devoted to investigation current demographic policy in Russia impact on fertility of different educational groups. Authors use qualitative and quantitative data. Quantitative data for this analysis come from the Gender and Generation Survey in Russia (2004, 2007, 2011 waves)....
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