Showing 71 - 80 of 180
Russian Abstract: В настоящем издании кратко обрисована современная демографическая ситуация в России. Фокус внимания сосредоточен на тенденциях рождаемости и...
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The article analyzes actual and normative reproductive behavior of the Muscovites. It demonstrates that high birth rate in Moscow is largely determined by women of reproductive age who are migrating from province. Having used data of sociologic study entitled Moscow and the Muscovites (“Moskva...
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Russian Abstract: «Человек, семья, общество» это крупномасштабный репрезентативный по России опрос населения, который затрагивает все ключевые вопросы...
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This article is based on research on preschool childcare services and analyses the issues of its provision in Russia in comparison to Western and Eastern European countries. A micro-level cross-sectional data analysis of the first waves of the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) is performed....
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Russian Abstract: В материале на основе мониторинга социально-экономического положения и самочувствия населения в период с января 2015 г. по август 2016 г. раскрыты...
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Russian Abstract: Снижение ключевой ставки Банком России выглядит преждевременным и несет риски дальнейшего разгона инфляции и нестабильности на валютном рынке. В...
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Russian Abstract: В феврале 2015 г. темпы инфляции продемонстрировали тенденцию к замедлению (2,2% против 3,9% в январе). За неделю с 25 февраля по 2 марта 2015 г. индекс...
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Over the past two years, the cost of housing and community amenities has been growing at a moderate rate. Due to financial problems, one in every ten households delayed paying its bills, or paid them only in part. The volume of housing and community amenities payments in arrears remained the...
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2016 was marked primarily by an all-time low consumer (especially food) inflation. The subsistence minimum, which is calculated based on the cost of a minimum food basket, was increasing at significantly slower pace than inflation. The cost of living has recently changed similarly for all...
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Rise in prices for eggs, sugar, fruit and vegetables, tobacco and gasoline among non-food products, tourism, communal services and education in the services' sector were main sources of accelerating consumer inflation in 2018. Russia is juxtaposed Brazil, Mexico, India and South Africa according...
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