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This paper considers the valuation of equity-linked life insurance contracts that offer an annually guaranteed minimum return. The policy premiums are invested in a reference portfolio that is modeled by means of a regime switching Lévy process where the model parameters depend on a continuous,...
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The Black-Scholes framework implies a constant volatility across term and strike, and a lognormal distribution for underlying asset prices. However, it is known that empirical data violates this assumption. In this report we describe, motivate and apply a model-independent,...
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The Black-Scholes model and many of its extensions imply a log-normal distribution of stock returns. However, for holding periods of up to a year, the empirical return distribution (both conditional and unconditional) is not log-normal, but rather much closer to the logistic distribution. This...
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A growing literature analyzes the cross-section of single stock option returns, virtually always under the (implicit or explicit) assumption of a monotonically decreasing pricing kernel. Using option returns, we non-parametrically provide significant and robust evidence that the pricing kernel...
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This paper shows how one can obtain a continuous-time preference-free option pricing model with a path-dependent volatility as the limit of a discrete-time GARCH model. In particular, the continuous-time model is the limit of a discrete-time GARCH model of Heston and Nandi (1997) that allows...
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An anchoring-adjusted option pricing model is developed in which the volatility of the underlying stock return is used as a starting point that gets adjusted upwards to form expectations about call option volatility. I show that the anchoring price lies within the bounds implied by risk-averse...
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This paper implements an algorithm that can be used to solve systems of Black-Scholes equations for implied volatility and implied risk-free rate of return. After using a seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) model to obtain point estimates for implied volatility and implied risk-free rate, the...
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We infer the forward-looking Bitcoin risk premium from options contracts. Using data from 2018 to 2020, we show that the expected excess returns for Bitcoin are time-varying and significantly higher than in equities or gold, averaging almost 80% per annum. A temporal analysis of the term...
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We propose a novel factor model for option returns. Option exposures are estimated nonparametrically and factor risk premia can vary nonlinearly with states. The model is estimated using regressions, with minimal assumptions on factor and option return dynamics. Using index options, we...
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In this study, we investigate the determinants of convenience yields across a broad range of commodities. We find that the convenience yields of commodities are exposed to both commodity-specific and systematic factors, but to a different extent. The difference in explanatory power of these...
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