Showing 31 - 36 of 36
We propose to model the joint distribution of bid-ask spreads and log returns of a stock portfolio by using Autoregressive Conditional Double Poisson and GARCH processes for the marginals and vine copulas for the dependence structure. By estimating the joint multivariate distribution of both...
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This paper analyzes the systemic risk effects of bank mergers to test the "concentration-fragility" hypothesis. We use the marginal expected shortfall as well as the lower tail dependence between a bank's stock returns and a relevant bank sector index to capture the merger-related change in an...
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We propose the use of nonparametric Bernstein copulas as bivariate pair-copulas in high-dimensional vine models. The resulting smooth and nonparametric vine copulas completely obviate the error-prone need for choosing the pair-copulas from parametric copula families. By means of a simulation...
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The purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive simulation study on the finite sample properties of minimum-distance and maximum-likelihood estimators for bivariate and multivariate parametric copulas. For five popular parametric copulas, classical maximum-likelihood is compared to a...
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We propose a novel corporate social responsibility (CSR) index that captures various aspects of an insurer's internal and external CSR activities. We first show that insurers worldwide have significantly increased their CSR activities with the average index value almost doubling between 2006 and...
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We introduce a new stochastic order for the tail dependence between random variables. We then study different measures of tail dependence which are monotone in the proposed order, thereby extending various known tail dependence coefficients from the literature. We apply our concepts in an...
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