Showing 121 - 130 of 185
The aim of this paper is to underline the role and the importance of the link between local sustainable development and tourism. We analyze the debates about the socioeconomic and environment implications, the promotion of the resource patrimony and destination attractiveness. To be able to...
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In a framework characterized by a relatively high degree of institutionalization, such as that of the European Union, it became difficult to imagine that the problem of Green Public Procurement (GPP) could surpass it. The special importance of the GPP, due to its favorable effects on the...
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Economic development has been a major priority for the European Commission, with significant amounts of Structural and Cohesion Funds being allocated in this direction. With the enlargements of the Union in 2004, 2007 and 2013, the Regional Development Policy faced a new challenge, with the...
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Romanian Abstract: Componenta financiar-bugetară a sistemului național de apărare este foarte importantă. Din această cauză abordăm unele probleme pe baza documentelor / rapoartelor publicate recent. Resursele alocate prin procesul bugetar anual vizează stabilirea capacităților,...
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The final product of the accountancy activity is materialized in the financial standings. Through these, all the transactions from the economical-financial activity of the company or entity are classified and synthesized in the view of the American organism of standardization. These type of...
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In this work paper we intend to establish how exactly the European Community Annual Financial Statements follows the European Commission Rules, European Council Rules and Accounting Standards for Public Sector
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In management, it is important to identify, classify and process risks according to the probability of their occurrence and imminence of the impact to produce and one must be convinced that not all risks can be approached. Risk is the threatening that an action or event negatively affects the...
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Economic globalization and ecological globalization follow new ways of conditioning each other. In the past the most important thing was the impact of the ecological pressure - soil deterioration, water system, the atmosphere and the forests - upon economical perspectives. In the recent past...
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This approach regarding the evaluation of the quantifiable managerial efficiency takes into account the efficiency of forecast and organization improvement within a company. In order to determine it, we resort to a series of indicators that we consider the most appropriate
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