Showing 1 - 10 of 119
Using India's national benchmark survey for financial literacy and inclusion, we observe a step change in financially literate women, who possess higher levels of sole and joint responsibility with their spouse to manage their households' finances. Considering ownership information in eighteen...
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Who is better at detecting fraud? This paper finds that more financially knowledgeable individuals have a higher propensity to detect fraud: a one standard deviation increase in financial knowledge increases fraud detection probabilities by 3 percentage points. The result is not driven by...
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This study is concerned with threshold F-policy and N-policy for controlling the arrivals and service in the queueing scenario of a machining system, having active and redundant components. For both F-policy and N-policy models, the queue size distributions are determined by the recursive...
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This study is concerned with threshold F-policy and N-policy for controlling the arrivals and service in the queueing scenario of a machining system, having active and redundant components. For both F-policy and N-policy models, the queue size distributions are determined by the recursive...
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Using 719 Indian listed firms for 11 years from 2012 to 2022, this study provides evidence that the speed of adjustment (SOA) is higher (lower) for the sample firms with below (above) median net trade cycle (NTC). Our findings are robust to the alternative measure of WCM efficiency in the Indian...
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Bayesian model averaging attempts to combine parameter estimation and model uncertainty in one coherent framework. The choice of prior is then critical. Within an explicit framework of ignorance we define a ‘suitable' prior as one which leads to a continuous and suitable analog to the pretest...
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