Showing 51 - 60 of 69
We study the impact of the 2018-2019 trade war between the US and China on US exports, focusing on the role played by a set of overlooked institutional features that characterize the bilateral trade relationship. Our main emphasis is on Chinese state--owned firms. Based on measures constructed...
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We propose a parsimonious framework for real rigidities, in the form of strategic complementarities, that can generate real and nominal dynamics and match key features of the data across several literatures. Existing menu-cost models featuring strategic complementarities require unrealistically...
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We use unique firm-level data from Mexico to document that non-financial corporations engage in carry trades by borrowing in foreign currency (FX) and lending in domestic currency, largely in the form of trade credit, accumulating currency risk in the process. We show at a quarterly frequency...
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In the last two decades, the world has witnessed the rise of Chinese innovation. China, once a manufacturing hub for the West, has become a major player in the development of many new technologies. We assess how foreign knowledge spillovers spurred this transformation. To this end, we assemble a...
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We develop a simple menu-cost model with non-constant elasticity of demand that features idiosyncratic productivity and demand shocks. The model is calibrated to match firm-level productivity and demand processes estimated from U.S. data. Despite its simplicity, the calibrated model delivers...
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This paper proposes a framework to jointly study productivity and trade dynamics during financial crises. The persistent output loss caused by crises is driven by lower productivity growth, which is determined by changes in product entry and exit margins in domestic and export markets. We...
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