Showing 131 - 140 of 12,190
Practice guidelines are widely used in medical settings as a means of improving efficiency and quality of care by aligning service provision with evidence of what is effective. The objective of this work is to propose a methodology for the effective evaluation of the match of clinical practice...
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We review the literature on robust Bayesian analysis as a tool for global sensitivity analysis and for statistical decision-making under ambiguity. We discuss the methods proposed in the literature, including the different ways of constructing the set of priors that are the key input of the...
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This work proposes a class of seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average models whose period is an independent and identically distributed random process valued in a finite set. The causality, invertibility, and autocovariance shape of the model are first revealed. Then, the estimation of...
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In this paper, we show that traditional comparisons of Mean Squared Prediction Error (MSPE) between two competing forecasts may be highly controversial. This is so because when some specific conditions of efficiency are not met, the forecast displaying the lowest MSPE will also display the...
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In this paper we show that the exchange rates of some commodity exporter countries have the ability to predict the price of spot and future contracts of aluminum. This is shown with both in-sample and out-of-sample analyses. The theoretical underpinning of these results relies on the...
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General parametric forms are assumed for the conditional mean λ_{t}(θ₀) and variance υ_{t}(ξ₀) of a time series. These conditional moments can for instance be derived from count time series, Autoregressive Conditional Duration (ACD) or Generalized Autoregressive Score (GAS) models. In...
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In the process of loan pricing, stress testing, capital allocation, modeling of PD term structure, and IFRS9 expected credit loss estimation, it is widely expected that higher risk grades carry higher default risks, and that an entity is more likely to migrate to a closer non-default rating than...
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Common ordinal models, including the ordered logit model and the continuation ratio model, are structured by a common score (i.e., a linear combination of a list of given explanatory variables) plus rank specific intercepts. Sensitivity with respect to the common score is generally not...
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A motivated strategy is presented to find step by step an adequate model specification and a matching set of instrumental variables by applying the programming tools provided by the Stata package Xtabond2. The aim is to implement generalized method of moment techniques such that useful and...
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Monotonic estimation for the survival probability of a loan in a risk-rated portfolio is based on the observation arising, for example, from loan pricing that a loan with a lower credit risk rating is more likely to survive than a loan with a higher credit risk rating, given the same additional...
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