Showing 211 - 220 of 7,715
Предложен новый подход к оценке ресурсного обеспечения промышленного предприятия. Исследовано поведение факторов производства в условиях динамично...
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The paper focuses on Nigeria, which has over the years invested substantially to improve the educational attainment of the labor force and to raise productivity but yet still faces declining real output and slow economic growth. The study observes that this puzzle is attributable to labor market...
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Rather than looking at coalition formation as a single-shot game, this article attempts a more dynamic analysis by exploring the interactive processes between different experiments over time. Comparing coalition experiments since 1996, it finds that there is an inbuilt tension in the nature of...
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In the context of globalization of the economy and also of the competitive environment development, process management becomes more complex, with openness to client needs and changes and taking account of the internal and external environment. Therefore, a proactive approach to seek the most...
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There is scant information on the spatial differentiation of the standard of living in cities. This work has therefore attempted to analyze the spatial differentiation of the standard of living of the populations of towns in a dynamic approach, on the basis of the data from the years 2002...
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Mathematical modelling is the theoretically established tool for developing solar heating systems, e.g. with using transfer functions. If we know the transfer functions of the system, the outlet temperature can be predicted as a function of the input variables (solar irradiance, inlet...
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Almost 10,000 spherical fuel elements are transported pneumatically one by one in the pipeline outside the core of a pebble bed reactor every day. Any failure in the transportation will lead to the shutdown of the reactor, even safety accidents. In order to ensure a stable and reliable...
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This paper investigates empirically the effects of institutions and market characteristics on corporate capital structure dynamics. Based on the fact that firms may temporarily deviate from their optimal capital structure due to the existence of adjustment costs, a partial adjustment model is...
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La Cabrera Sierra is a granitic paleozoiczone homogeneous in lithology andmorphology 5 km long and 60 km from Madridwith rockfall problems. Mostof the maps used in common practice, aremainly maps of susceptibility toinstability or failure. When rockfall takesplace, the main problem for...
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The paper describes a method for the evaluation of slope instability for urban planning purposes, applied in the test area ‘Oltre Po Pavese’ (Regione Lombardia, Italy). A statistic and a probabilistic approach have been applied for the estimation of landslide activations and for the...
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