Showing 417,811 - 417,820 of 432,731
Based on a spatial model, the Martinique beaches and coastal wetlands are examined to identify the risks of coastal squeeze. In many cases coastal development prevents coasts from adapting by shifting landward. Also tourism infrastructure augments the vulnerability of beach reduction and...
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of crop production is predicted to increase for most parts of the world. The comparison with two reference scenarios … in revenue prevail and changes in area are more balanced over the world when only the much smaller yield changes are …
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This paper offers a practically motivated method for evaluating systems’ abilities to handle external stress. The method is designed to assess the potential contributions of various adaptation options to improving systems’ coping capacities by focusing attention directly on the underlying...
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This study investigates the amenity value of climate to British households. By using the hedonic price approach, the marginal willingness to pay for small changes in climate variables, specified as averages and ranges, is derived. The estimates suggest that British people would typically prefer...
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Global sea-levels are rising due to global warming. Major impacts on the world’s coasts are sand beach erosion …
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irrigated food production, both scenarios help lower world food prices, stimulating national and international food markets. …
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211 estimates of the social cost of carbon are included in a meta-analysis. The results confirm that a lower discount rate implies a higher estimate; and that higher estimates are found in the gray literature. It is also found that there is a downward trend in the economic impact estimates of the...
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We test the hypothesis that models should be coupled to accurately project the impacts of climate change on the agro-economic and agro-environmental system. We couple the LPJ-C global dynamic vegetation model for crops to the global agricultural land-use model KLUM. Potential crop yields, from...
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