Showing 71 - 80 of 510
We develop a dynamic general equilibrium model to analyze the optimal quantity of liquid bonds by investigating the following three questions: Under what conditions is it socially desirable to contract the bond supply, what incentive problems are mitigated by doing this, and how large are the...
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We develop a dynamic general equilibrium model to analyze the optimal quantity of liquid bonds by investigating the following three questions: Under what conditions is it socially desirable to contract the bond supply, what incentive problems are mitigated by doing this, and how large are the...
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We study a decentralized trading model as in Peters (1984a), where heterogeneous market participants face a trade-off between price and trade probability. We present a novel proof of existence of a unique demand vector in Nash equilibrium, based on a recursive approach that exploits the...
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The literature on excess entry shows that the free-entry equilibrium number of firms may be greater than is socially optimal and proposes government entry regulation as a remedy. This article tries to show that such a policy recommendation is misleading. A two-period, three-person entry game...
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This paper measures how both geographical and cultural proximity of bank branches affect household credit choice and pricing. We examine both types of proximity jointly to separately identify the importance of soft information versus alternative mechanisms. Using a detailed household-level...
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We propose an early warning model for predicting the likelihood of a financial stress event for a given future time, and examine whether credit plays an important role in the model as a non-linear propagator of shocks. This propagation takes the form of a threshold regression in which a regime...
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This paper measures how both geographical and cultural proximity of bank branches affect household credit choice and pricing. We examine both types of proximity jointly to separately identify the importance of soft information versus alternative mechanisms. Using a detailed household-level...
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Recent trends suggest that domestic demand alone may not be enough to explain the increase in overall demand for Canadian banknotes (Engert et al., 2019). Estimating foreign cash demand is difficult due to data availability issues and confounding factors that simultaneously affect domestic...
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This paper develops a travel-based metric to measure Canadians' access to cash from automated banking machines (ABMs) and financial institution branches. Our findings indicate that the average distance Canadians need to travel to reach the nearest ABM is 2.0 km, while the average distance to the...
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