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Building on the ‘entrepreneuring as emancipation' perspective, I explore the emancipatory potential of social entrepreneurship as a means to disengage individuals enthralled to ideology and trapped by their own past behavior. I studied two former religious-based terrorists from Indonesia, and...
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English Abstract:</B> Using Innovation Survey Data from Colombia, we apply a new methodology to assess complementarity relationships among different innovative inputs. This approach allows scholars to prevent serious data drawbacks, such as the lack of proper performance measures and is also fairly...
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Intellectual property moral rights must be carefully studied by the business community, which could easily and wrongly believe that the intellectual property business involves only intellectual property economic rights. This paper represent an introduction meant to reveal a contrasting legal and...
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Copyright generally refers to the right granted for the protection of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, as well as other other works resulting from the author’s own intellectual creation. Related rights are those granted for the protection of performers, producers, broadcasters...
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The main concern of this preliminary research is to establish the place of the intellectual property rights within the classical classification of rights used by theory of law, in rights in rem and rights in personam, or as they were called by Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld, multital rights and paucital...
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Romanian Abstract: Simpla coexistență și exercițiul simultan a drepturilor morale și a drepturilor patrimoniale asupra creației intelectuale, conduce la o foarte strânsă legătură între drepturile morale și drepturile patrimoniale, în sensul că exercițiul drepturilor patrimoniale...
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Romania Abstract: Stabilirea structurii normelor juridice din domeniul proprietății intelectuale este esențială, independent de sursa lor formală, de la nivel național, internațional sau regional, raportat la creația protejată, îndeosebi datorită faptului că aceasta beneficiză de o...
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Romanian Abstract: Dreptul de divulgare al creației intelectuale constă în decizia autorului de a pune opera sa în contact cu publicul. Nașterea drepturilor patrimoniale din domeniul proprietății intelectuale nu are nicio legătură cu divulgarea creației, ci mai degrabă cu aptitudinea...
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Since 1980, a series of legislative acts and judicial decisions have affected the ownership, scope, and duration of patents. These include: the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980; the extension of the maximum patent term in 1994; and the shift from a first to invent standard to a first to file system in 2011. These...
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