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This paper assesses producer-expectation-driven business cycle fluctuations. Based on theoretical predictions of a multi-sector model with market frictions and adjustment cost, and using a unique panel of producer-level data, it seeks to unravel the patterns of dynamic responses to producers'...
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Evidences from structural VAR show that new business formation positively co-moves with output under news shocks. The Jaimovich-Rebelo model augmented with firm dynamics can explain the empirical findings. The key assumption is endogenous survival rates for new entrants
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new shock, they re-estimate the distribution from which it was drawn. Even transitory shocks have persistent effects …
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second stage, we use those indices to provide assessments of the type of aggregate shock hitting each country and assess its …
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This paper makes changes in monetary policy rules (or regimes) endogenous. Changes are triggered when certain endogenous variables cross specified thresholds. Rational expectations equilibria are examined in three models of threshold switching to illustrate that (i) expectations formation...
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This paper makes changes in monetary policy rules (or regimes) endogenous. Changes are triggered when certain endogenous variables cross specified thresholds. Rational expectations equilibria are examined in three models of threshold switching to illustrate that (i) expectations formation...
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We explore the implications of shocks to expected future productivity. In a setting with limited enforcement of financial contracts, firms have to post collateral to obtain external finance. In a real one-sector model with this type of "collateral constraint", positive news about future...
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estimation of a rich medium-scale model delivers estimates of the diagnosticity parameter that is in line with previous studies …
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Sticky price models featuring heterogeneous firms and systematic firm-level productivity trends deliver radically different predictions for the optimal inflation rate than their popular homogenous-firm counterparts: (1) the optimal steady-state inflation rate generically differs from zero and...
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We present a sticky-price model incorporating heterogeneous Firms and systematic firm-level productivity trends. Aggregating the model in closed form, we show that it delivers radically different predictions for the optimal inflation rate than canonical sticky price models featuring homogenous...
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