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In the wake of rising inflation in the aftermath of unprecedented debt financed stimulus packages, we ask: Can … governments use real bonds (TIPS) as part of their debt portfolio to commit to stable inflation rates? We propose a novel … and real assets to use inflation effectively to smooth fiscal policy. When the government cannot commit to future policies …
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results stand out: (i) GDP-linked bond prices would embed sizeable and time-varying risk premiums of about 40 basis points …
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debt boom was mainly driven by large sovereign bond issuances in London and New York, as well as growing lending by Chinese …
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. Inflation reduces the real value of outstanding debt, thus making it more sustainable; but it also raises nominal yields and …
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We study sovereign debt and default policies when credit and liquidity risk are jointly determined. To account for both types of risks we focus on an economy with incomplete markets, limited commitment, and search frictions in the secondary market for sovereign bonds. We quantify the effect of...
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We study Ramsey optimal fiscal policy under incomplete markets in the case where the government issues only long bonds of maturity N 1. We find that many features of optimal policy are sensitive to the introduction of long bonds, in particular tax variability and the long-run behaviour of debt....
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We estimate a New Keynesian model on post-war US data with generalised method of moments using either constant or time- varying debt and labor income taxes. We show that accounting for government debt and distortionary taxes help the New Keynesian model match the level of the nominal term...
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How do financial markets respond to concerns over debt sustainability and the level of public debt in emerging markets? We introduce a measure of debt sustainability – the difference between the debt stabilizing primary balance and the primary balance – in an otherwise standard spread...
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This paper investigates the transmission of uncertainty about the state of government finances on economic activity. I first employ a data-rich approach to extract a novel proxy that captures uncertainty surrounding the public finances of the Spanish economy, to which I refer as sovereign...
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(favored under U.S. law), and collective action clauses that allow to alter core bond terms after a majority vote (favored …
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