Showing 41 - 50 of 607
Am 24. August 2020 verübten zwei Selbstmordattentäterinnen einen Doppelanschlag im südphilippinischen Jolo, bei dem 14 Menschen getötet und mehr als 75 verletzt wurden. Er wurde vom 'Islamischen Staat' (IS) für sich beansprucht und war das erste aufwendig geplante und...
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In verschiedenen Städten im Landesinnern Myanmars ist es während der vergangenen Tage zu Angriffen auf Militäreinrichtungen gekommen. Dabei wurden unter anderem Flugfelder des Militärs beschossen, die die Luftwaffe genutzt hatte, um Rebellenstützpunkte der ethnischen Minderheiten im Osten...
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The assaults launched by Muslim youths on 28 April 2004 against police posts and military installations in three Thai provinces marks the climax, for the time being, of the unrest that has been mounting in the south of the kingdom since early January. Thus far, there are few indications of links...
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The September 9 bomb attack in front of the Australian embassy in Jakarta signals a comeback of the Southeast Asian terror network, Jemaah Islamiyah, that had suffered setbacks in its struggle with Indonesian security forces in 2003 and that some had already pronounced dead. Much as with the...
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The breakthrough in the Helsinki negotiations between the Indonesian government and the Free Aceh Movement (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka, GAM) came on August 15, 2005. Months of talks had brought about an end a civil war that had dragged on for more than thirty years in the resource-rich province at the...
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For the third time since the end of the authoritarian Suharto regime the Indonesian people have directly elected their president. The victory of Joko Widodo ("Jokowi"), a self-made businessman from modest upbringings, has spurred hopes for a renewal of Indonesia's reform (reformasi) process,...
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In the last five years, tensions have increased between China and a number of neighboring states over territorial disputes in the East and South China Sea. In some cases, there have even been threats of armed conflicts. China's increasingly aggressive behavior has stoked fears that...
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There was never any doubt who would win Cambodia's 2018 elections, with electoral politics skewed to favour Hun Sen's ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP). The CPP has already declared victory, claiming 76 per cent of votes and all of the 125 parliamentary seats. The elections were condemned as...
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The violence against the Rohingya, which has led hundreds of thousands of Rohingya to seek refuge in Bangladesh, has severely damaged Myanmar's international image. In response to the deterioration of the human rights situation in Myanmar in Octo­ber 2018, the European Union (EU) threatened to...
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The recent decision by The Gambia to file a genocide case against Myanmar at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has directed international attention again towards Rakhine State in western Myanmar, where the Rohingya people have faced discrimi­nation and persecution for decades. What took...
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