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We develop a tractable model of a limit order market where informed and liquidity investors compete with a professional liquidity provider who has a monitoring advantage. We apply our model to study the impact of exogenous transaction costs and investor patience on trading activity and market...
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We model a financial market where privately informed investors trade in a limit order book monitored by professional liquidity providers. Price competition between informed limit order submitters and professional market makers allows us to capture tradeoffs between informed limit and market...
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Latency delays - known as "speed bumps" - are an intentional slowing of order flow by exchanges. Supporters contend that delays protect market makers from high-frequency arbitrage, while opponents warn that delays promote "quote fading" by market makers. We construct a model of informed trading...
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In financial markets, clients entrust their capital and data to financial infrastructure providers who are vulnerable to breaches. We develop a model in which infrastructure providers compete to provide secure and efficient client services, in the presence of a cyber-attacker. In equilibrium,...
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Each extractor has a distinct initial endowment of oil and a distinct quadratic extraction cost and faces a linear industry demand schedule. We observe in a discrete-time model with a finite number of periods that the open loop and closed loop solutions are the same if initial stocks are such...
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We set out an open, monocentric city with residential structures and reflect how changes to the amenity index affect the city. On the consumption side, an amenity is represented by an exogenous boost to the utility of a resident's current commodity bundle. The city's population, land rent and...
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