Showing 7,781 - 7,790 of 7,894
In seeking to make programs of economic reform supported by the IFIs more successful it is important to ensure that they are viable. Will governments be persuaded to participate? Will they complete the programs they negotiate? And will the IFIs be prepared to provide the resources? This paper...
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In a series of summits, leading countries of the world will meet to draw up an in¬ternational arrangement for financial stability. Such a rule system should prevent a financial crisis as we have seen it in 2007 and 2008. It should include appropriate principles of mone¬tary policy, rules for...
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This study produces calculations of the amount of money being dispersed by the government to the 16 primary dealers and investment banks who qualify to borrow through the special lending facilities created in the last year by the Federal Reserve Board under the assumption that each borrows in...
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This paper calculates savings from renting compared with owning a house purchased at the peak housing bubble years of 2006 or 2007 in 16 major metropolitan areas. (The appendix includes calculations for 100 cities, including these 16.) The analysis calculates the savings both before- and...
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This paper looks at the trends in activity at the Federal Reserve’s newly-created special lending facilities, hoping to provide a better understanding of their operation and significance within financial markets. These facilities were created in response to the financial crisis and have...
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This issue brief discusses a plan that would effectively deal with the mounting problem of home foreclosures in this country. The main point of the plan is that those who are facing foreclosure should have the option to remain in their home for a substantial period of time as renters. There are...
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This paper uses differing objective functions under the Longstaff model (1990) to discuss the strategic choices faced by the creditor when deciding whether to grant maturity extension on a defaulted loan. The results reveal that: (1) it ensures that the return per unit of risk is higher after...
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This paper investigates Japanese bank managers' use of the discretionary component of loan loss provisions to manage earnings during the recession of the late 1990s. Although studies of US banks document that bank managers use loan loss provisions to smooth earnings, manage regulatory capital,...
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Taking into account only financial factors does not provide complete information on performance. This paper takes into consideration of both financial and non-financial performances when evaluating 35 sampled publicly traded commercial banks in Taiwan. The performance of banks is measured using...
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Following Bollerslev et al. (2000), this study characterizes the high-frequency volatility of the Japanese Government Bond (JGB) futures on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) in terms of intraday calendar effects, announcement effects and volatility persistence effects. The results indicate that,...
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