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sampled from around the world. The main objective of the paper is to provide an extensive analysis of the main characteristics …
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This paper analyses the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on stock market returns and their volatility in the case of the G20 countries. In contrast to the existing empirical literature, which typically focuses only on either Covid-19 deaths or lockdown policies, our analysis is based on a...
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This paper provides novel insights into the dynamic properties of variance and semivariance premia. Considering nine international stock market indices, we find consistent evidence of significantly negative total and downside (semi)variance premia of around -15 bps per month. These premia almost...
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We quantify the exposure of major financial markets to news shocks about global contagion risk accounting for local epidemic conditions. For a wide cross section of countries, we construct a novel data set comprising (i) announcements related to COVID19, and (ii) high-frequency data on epidemic...
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Though the issues of co-movement and volatility transmission between Islamic and conventional stock indices have been extensively studied worldwide, this is the first study in reference to Bangladesh to the best of our knowledge. The broad objective of this paper is to investigate whether...
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This paper explores the contagious propagation of jumps among international stock market indices by exploiting a rich panel of stock and options data. We propose a multivariate option pricing model designed to allow for, but not superimpose, time and space amplification of jumps in option...
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This paper uses fractional integration methods to assess the impact of US policy responses (containment and health measures, income support policy, debt-relief policy, changes in the Effective Federal Funds Rate, monetary and fiscal announcements) to the COVID-19 pandemic on US sectoral stock...
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In this paper we come up with an alternate theoretical proof for the independence and unbiased property of extreme value robust volatility estimator with respect to the standard robust volatility estimator as proposed in the paper by Muneer & Maheswaran (2018b). We show that the robust...
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The Granger causality procedure is used to assess the dynamics of market efficiency of 17 international stock indices. These indices are based on relatively smaller firms. The reference of market efficiency is a stock index, from the same economy, which is based on relatively larger firms. There...
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The study concentrates on an analysis of the Czech stock market performed by an application of DCC MV GARCH model of Engle (2002). Data sample including years from 1994 to 2009 is represented by daily returns of Prague Stock Exchange index and other 11 major stock indices. There is found an...
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