Showing 786,651 - 786,660 of 792,598
In this paper we empirically examine a heterogeneous bounded rationality version of a hybrid New-Keynesian model. The model is estimated via the simulated method of moments using Euro Area data from 1975Q1 to 2009Q4. It is generally assumed that agents' beliefs display waves of optimism and...
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estimates. For Bayesian estimation, these identifying assumptions are usually implemented by imposing constraints on certain …
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In a recent paper, Mertens and Ravn (2010) study the effects of anticipated fiscal policy shocks in a structural vector autoregressive model. The authors maintain that (i) the lag polynomial associated with news shocks is a cyclotomic polynomial and (ii) the matrix B(L) which transforms a...
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Global impact assessment of unilateral climate policies is commonly based on multi-sector, multi-region computable general equilibrium (CGE) models that are calibrated to consistent accounts of production, consumption, and bilateral trade flows. However, global economic databases such as GTAP...
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We pick up the standard textbook approach of money creation and develop a simple agent-based alternative. We show that our model is well suited to explain the endogenous creation of money. Although more general, our model still contains the standard results as a limiting case. We also uncover a...
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Wechselkurssysteme werden als Mittel der Wirtschaftspolitik eingesetzt. So war es auch bei der Europäischen Währungsunion. Die Notwendigkeit dazu leiteten die Gründungsväter aus der wirtschaftspolitischen Realität der 'Nach-Bretton-Woods-Ära' ab. Bereits im Zuge des Abkommens der Staats-...
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In der Literatur finden sich zahlreiche Abhandlungen zu der Frage, welche Besonderheiten bei internationalen, also grenzüberschreitenden Unternehmensakquisitionen auftreten und in welcher Weise diese im Zuge einer Grenzpreisermittlung zu berücksichtigen sind. Als im Wesentlichen zu würdigende...
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We develop a financial market model with interacting chartists and fundamentalists that embeds the famous bull and bear market model of Huang and Day as a special case. Their model is given by a one-dimensional continuous piecewise-linear map. Our model, on the other hand, is more flexible and...
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Ob die Marktform des Monopsons am Arbeitsmarkt vorliegt, ist fur die Frage des Für oder Wider des Mindestlohns von essentieller Bedeutung. Denn in der kurzfristigen Analyse kann, insofern monopsonistische beziehungsweise oligopsonistische Strukturen am Arbeitsmarkt nachgewiesen werden, die...
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The specification of prior parameters is a common practical problem when implementing Bayesian approaches to portfolio optimization. The precision parameter of the prior on the expected asset returns reflects the confidence of the investor in the prior knowledge. Within the framework of the...
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