Showing 71 - 80 of 239,692
We assess the relationship between finance and growth over the period 1980-2014. We estimate a cross-country growth regression for 48 countries during 20 periods of 15 years starting in 1980 (to 1995) and ending in 1999 (to 2014). We use OLS and IV estimations and we find that: 1) overall...
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This research studies the extent of asymmetric responses of general fertility rate with financial development and income inequality in Bangladesh utilizing annual data from 1984-2019. We employ both linear and non- linear autoregressive distributed lag methodologies. Our study identifies a long...
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Our study examines the dynamic relationship between financial development and environmental degradation in the European Union (EU) in a panel VAR (Vector Autoregressive) methodological framework over the period 1996-2018. Panel causality tests and impulse response functions show that financial...
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There is dense literature on the relationship between financial sector development (FSD) and income inequality. However, most of these studies employ a depth measure of FSD. This study argues that different components of FSD have a heterogenous impact on income inequality. This study first...
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In this study, we rely on the extension of the endogenous growth theory to consider the role of ICT diffusion in the finance-growth nexus theoretically informed via the supply-leading and demand-following theses. Motivated by cur-rent realities highlighting the significance of information and...
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Purpose: This study aims to assess the impact of financial development and financial inclusion on economic growth in Kenya by investigating the long-run relationships among them. Design/methodology/approach: This study uses bank claims on the private sector and broad money to proxy for financial...
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We propose a coherent unified approach to the study of the linkages among economic growth, financial structure, and inequality, bringing together disparate theoretical and empirical literature. That is, we show how to conduct model-based quantitative research on transitional paths. With...
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The paper describes tests of hypotheses from economic history concerning the significance of financial development as a determinant of economic growth. It goes beyond the existing studies in drawing on a large panel data set covering 93 countries from 1970-90 and includes a new proxy for the...
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This study examined the impact of financial liberalization and trade openness as well as their interactive effects on the growth of the Nigerian economy using annual time-series data for the period, 1981 to 2018. The results of the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) unit root test show that all the...
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This study examines the relationship between crude oil price and financial sector intermediary development in Nigeria over the period 1975-2011, using the autoregressive distributed lag approach to cointegration analysis. Four measures of financial intermediary development are used including an...
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