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Subgame perfect equilibrium predictions of ultimatum bargaining games correspond poorly to the data gathered from human subjects in laboratory environments. Attempts to reconcile this discrepancy have taken one or more of three routes: (1) expanding the agent foresight and scope of decisions,...
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We conduct multi-person one-shot ultimatum games that reflect important aspects of collective bargaining. In all treatments a proposer has to divide a pie among herself and two groups of three recipients each. She cannot discriminate within, but across groups. A committee with representatives...
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We experimentally investigate the relevance of (asymmetric) outside options in ultimatum bargaining. Building on the generalized equity principle formulated by Selten (1978) we derive three different equity rules. These equity rules can explain 43% of all o ers. Our within-subject design allows...
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We experimentally investigate multiple notions of equity in ultimatum bargaining with asymmetric outside options. Building on the generalized equity principle formulated by Selten (1978), we derive three different equity rules that can explain 43% of all offers. Our within-subject design further...
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trembling-hand perfect equilibrium under selfish preferences even towards the end of our experiment. The likely reasons for our …
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We conduct an experiment in which subjects play an ultimatum game but, rather than bargaining over money, they bargain …
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We investigate a partially directed search market where buyers search for sellers and then final prices are determined by ultimatum game bargaining. In the search stage of this game, sellers post intervals of possible surplus splits to attract buyers and then buyers approach one seller from whom...
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The present paper analyzes the dynamics of bargaining of the ultimatum game in presence of social differences amidst the participants. To that end, two parallel experiments were set-up. One where the social status states of the individuals were of common knowledge (alternative version) and...
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the preference for fairness is a deliberative cognitive-controlled act or that it is an automatic act. In Experiment 1 … Experiment 2, it took longer to accept than to reject unfair offers. These results suggest that fairness considerations operate …
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We study a giver's generosity depending on her relationship with the recipient and the observer. We assign different group identities to the players using a variation of the minimumgroup paradigm, and test the effect of group memberships on altruistic giving in the dictator game with a passive...
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