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the exogenous forces (technological progress and demographic growth) of the neoclassical theory. In the analysis of such …
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We study a model for scheduling 'n' classes of stochastic jobs on a single machine, with the objective of minimizing the total expected holding cost (discounted or undiscounted). We allow general holding cost rates that are separable, nondecreasing and convex on the number of jobs in each class....
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In this paper we review the literature on multi-component maintenance models with economic dependence. The emphasis is on papers that appeared after 1991, but there is an overlap with Section 2 of the most recent review paper by Cho and Parlar (1991). The classification scheme that we choose is...
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After the expansion of the FIFA World Cup from 32 to 48 teams starting from the 2026 edition, the initial proposal was to split the 48 national teams into 16 groups of three. Among other drawbacks, this proposal provides potential for collusion. Recently, after widespread criticism, FIFA...
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Recently Beltrán-Royo, Vial & Alonso-Ayuso (2012) presented a semi-Lagrangean relaxation for the classical p-median location problem and for the incapacitated facility location problem. The results, obtained using the semi-Lagrangean relaxation approach, were quite impressive. In this paper we...
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The paper is concerned with the problem of optimal production planning in deterministic pull flow lines with multiple products. The objective is to specify the production policy that minimizes the total inventory and backlog costs overtime. Assuming constant product demands and non-decreasing...
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This paper considers value functions for maximization problems where the objective function is maximized subject to several constraints. I show that such value functions exhibit diminishing marginal rates of substitution (MRS) between the resource endowments which define the constraints. For the...
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In standard microeconomic theory, short-run and long-run marginal costs are equal for production equipment with …
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This article presents a new approach for building robust portfolios based on stochastic efficiency analysis and periods of market downturn. The empirical analysis is done on assets traded on the Brazil Stock Exchange, B3 (Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão). We start with information on the assets from...
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We present a methodology to estimate fixed cost parameters relevant to the decision to operate, mothballor retire an open-cycle gas turbine (OCGT) using a dynamic discrete choice model, based on fuel andelectricity prices, as well as technical data and the operational status of OCGTs in the PJM...
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