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This is a preliminary draft of the manuscript of my textbook "Optimal Transport Methods in Economics" (to appear), based on lectures given at MIT in Spring 2015. The present preprint version is circulated to invite comments by readers
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We give sufficient conditions under which a policy that assigns customers to the Fastest Available Server, labelled FAS, is optimal among non-idling policies in queuing models with multiple independent Markov-modulated Poisson arrival processes and heterogeneous parallel exponential servers with...
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Polynomials, trigonometric polynomials, and rational functions are widely used for the discrete approximation of functions or simulation models. Often, it is known beforehand, that the underlying unknown function has certain properties, e.g., nonnegative or increasing on a certain region....
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Consider two continuous functions f,g mapping the interval [0,S] of the real line into R. Let f also be strictly increasing. We are interested in the set of probability distributions on the interval [0,S] that maximize the expectation of f subject to the constraint that the expectation of g be...
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In this paper we present the algorithmic framework and practical aspects of implementing a parallel version of a primal-dual semidefinite programming solver on a distributed memory computer cluster. Our implementation is based on the CSDP solver and uses a message passing interface (MPI), and...
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Multiplicity of equilibria is a common problem in many economic models. In general, it is impossible to devise methods that always find all equilibria for any type of model. A notable exception are models in which all equilibria are solutions to a system of polynomial equations since there are...
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Express service carriers provide time-guaranteed deliveries of parcels via a network consisting of nodes and hubs. In this, nodes take care of the collection and delivery of parcels, and hubs have the function to consolidate parcels in between the nodes. The tactical network design problem...
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We study the problem of how to design a sparse flexible process structure in a balanced and symmetrical production system to match supply with random demand more effectively. Our goal is to provide an optimal design, i.e., the sparsest design, to achieve (1-ε)-optimality relative to the fully...
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We focus on the revealed preference conditions that characterize the collection of finite data sets that are consistent with the maximization of a weakly separable utility function. From a theoretical perspective, we show that verifying these revealed preference conditions is a difficult...
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The aim of the present paper is to develop an iterative method to solve nonlinear equations. The underlying idea of the proposed method is based on well known Newton-Raphson method and Fixed Point Iteration method. The convergence of the new modified method is discussed in the present work. The...
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