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This paper analyzes the optimal allocation problem of a small country facing an uncertain technology and trading. It is involved in production of many commodities. Differentiability cannot be guaranteed, hence, the Ramsey-Euler condition of optimality needs to be modified. From the optimality...
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We provide sufficient conditions on the objective functional and the constraint functions under which the Lagrangean can be represented by a l'1 sequence of multipliers in infinite horizon discrete time optimal growth models
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The article gives new answers to the two following questions: One, what can be a potential source of the twin-peaks of economic growth? Two, why were some of the countries that were believed to belong to the group of low steady state countries (like Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, etc.) able to...
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This paper proves the C1,1 differentiability of the value function for continuous time concave dynamic optimization problems, under the assumption that the instantaneous utility is C1,1 and the initial segment of optimal solutions is interior. From this result, the Lipschitz dependence of...
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This paper analyzes the optimal allocation problem of a small trading country facing an uncertain technology. It is involved in production of many commodities. Differentiability cannot be guaranteed, hence, the Ramsey-Euler condition of optimality needs to be modified. From the optimality...
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This note describes methods for solving deterministic and stochastic versions of the discrete-time Ramsey model of economic growth. We derive an iterative procedure for solving the Euler equation and apply it to an example adapted from Pan (2007)
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We endogenize the discount rate via a broad measure of wealth and provide empirical evidence that wealth affects the discount rate negatively. We demonstrate that the Pontryagin conditions require positive felicity for intuitive results, whereas the concavity of the Hamiltonian requires negative...
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Ramsey equilibrium models with heterogeneous agents and borrowing constraints are shown to yield efficient equilibrium sequences of aggregate capital and consumption. The proof of this result is based on verifying that equilibrium sequences of prices satisfy the Malinvaud criterion for efficiency
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The dynamics of a welfare maximizing heterogeneous agent, one sector optimal Ramsey model is analyzed assuming two agents, each with a distinct discount factor and log utility. Production is Cobb-Douglas. Explicit time-varying policy functions are derived, one for each period. A Twisted Turnpike...
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This note describes methods for solving deterministic and stochastic versions of the discrete-time Ramsey model of economic growth. We derive an iterative procedure for solving the Euler equation and apply it to an example adapted from Pan (2007).
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