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Prominent theory research on voting uses models in which expected pivotality drives voters' turnout decisions and hence …
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Who will vote quadratically in large-N elections under quadratic voting (QV)? First, who will vote? Although the core QV literature assumes that everyone votes, turnout is endogenous. Drawing on other work, we consider the representativeness of endogenously determined turnout under QV. Second,...
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The nonasymptotic Condorcet jury theorem states that, under certain conditions, group decision-making by simple majority voting can decide more efficiently than single-person decision-making, in terms of having a higher probability of choosing the better alternative. Wit (1998) showed that the...
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We define and examine the concept of social acceptability of committees, in multi-winner elections context. We say that a committee is socially acceptable if each member in this committee is socially acceptable, i.e., the number of voters who rank her in their top half of the candidates is at...
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This paper presents results on the transitivity of the majority relation and the existence of a median representative ordering. Building on the notion of intermediate preferences indexed by a median graph, the analysis extends well-known results obtained when the underlying graph is a line. In...
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-proofness ; implementation theory …
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and argue that instead utilitarian, i.e. cardinal social choice theory is relevant for voting. I show that justifications …
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theory are either context dependent or subject to unreasonable restrictions. This is the real source of the diverse … "paradoxes of voting" that would better be termed "voting pathologies". The theory leads me to advocate what I term evaluative …
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The paper challenges the "orthodox doctrine" of collective choice theory according to which Arrow's "general …
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In his seminal Social Choice and Individual Values, Kenneth Arrow stated that his theory applies to voting. Many voting … theorists have been convinced that, on account of Arrow's theorem, all voting methods must be seriously flawed. Arrow's theory …, there evolved a consistent cardinal theory of collective choice. This theory, most prominently associated with the work of …
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