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The rapid development of artificial intelligence methods contributes to their wide applications for forecasting various financial risks in recent years. This study introduces a novel explainable case-based reasoning (CBR) approach without a requirement of rich expertise in financial risk....
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A new algorithm for calibrating agent-based models is proposed, which employs a popular gradient boosting framework. Machine learning techniques are not used to develop a surrogate model, but rather assist in narrowing down the parameter space during the search for optimal parameters. Our...
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We use the technique of information relaxation to develop a duality-driven iterative approach to obtaining and improving confidence interval estimates for the true value of finite-horizon stochasticdynamic programming problems. We show that the sequence of dual value estimates yielded from the...
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We study a generalized version of Coleman (1990)'s time iteration method (GTI) for solving dynamic optimization problems. Our benchmark framework is an irreversible investment model with labor-leisure choice. The GTI algorithm is simple to implement and provides advantages in terms of speed...
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A cardinality-constrained portfolio caps the number of stocks to be traded across and within groups or sectors. These limitations arise from real-world scenarios faced by fund managers, who are constrained by transaction costs and client preferences as they seek to maximize return and limit...
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In this study, we consider multi-period portfolio optimization model that is formulated as a mixed-integer second-order cone programming problems (MISOCPs). The Markowitz (1952) mean/variance framework has been extended by including transaction costs, conditional value-at-risk (CVaR),...
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A consistent framework for optimal liquidity management is presented. This framework optimizes the cost of covering expected cashflow gaps without violating regulatory and business constraints. Anticipated economic value loss, cashflow loss, and adverse market impact are the major drivers of...
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A divide and conquer algorithm for exploiting policy function monotonicity is proposed and analyzed. To solve a discrete problem with n states and n choices, the algorithm requires at most nlog2(n)+5n objective function evaluations. In contrast, existing methods for nonconcave problems require...
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In a two-sided matching market when agents on both sides have preferences the stability of the solution is typically the most important requirement. However, we may also face some distributional constraints with regard to the minimum number of assignees or the distribution of the assignees...
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Linear Methods are often used to compute approximate solutions to dynamic models, as these models often cannot be solved analytically. Linear methods are very popular, as they can easily be implemented. Also, they provide a useful starting point for understanding more elaborate numerical...
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