Showing 71 - 80 of 279
In this article the forgotten role of prices in the analysis of vertical effects is described. While at least some vertical restraints have the potential to entail anticompetitive harm, it is demonstrated that competition law may be overshooting the mark if no account is taken of both, the...
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The damages directive recently adopted by the European Parliament and the Council contains a rebuttable presumption regarding the damage presumably caused by cartels. This rebuttable presumption, while allowing a reversal of the burden of proof which may be procedurally justified in facilitating...
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German Abstract: Die Digitalisierung hat in den letzten Jahren alle Lebensbereiche durchdrungen. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass in der näheren Zukunft immer größere Datenvolumen übertragen werden. Den neuen Herausforderungen kann nur über den vollständigen und flächendeckenden Ausbau von...
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German Abstract: Der Aufsatz untersucht die wesentlichen Bestimmungsfaktoren von Preisschirmeffekten, die entstehen, wenn durch eine kartellinduzierte Preiserhöhung Nachfrage auf Substitute von Kartellaußenseitern umgelenkt wird. Solche Preisschirmeffekte entstehen unabhängig davon, ob die...
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This paper discusses the ubiquity of damage resulting from competition law violations. Umbrella pricing is considered but one instance of quantifiable damage of potentially substantial magnitude occurring outside the vertical chain typically considered the relevant locus of damage resulting from...
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We analyse the key determinants of umbrella effects, which arise when the price increase or quantity reduction of a cartel diverts demand to substitute products. Umbrella effects arise irrespective of whether non cartelists act as price takers (“competitive fringe”) or respond strategically...
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This paper critically reviews the European Commission's proposed Directive on future rules concerning actions for damages for competition law infringements under national law. It is argued that the proposal underestimates the importance of loss of profits induced by increased prices and does...
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German abstract: Wettbewerbsanaloge Preise stehen im Mittelpunkt der Regulierung natürlicher Monopole wie bspw. der Zugang zu bestimmten Telekommunikationsnetzwerken. Die Preise sind so zu gestalten, dass Anreize für erforderliche Infrastrukturinvestitionen gesetzt werden, und gleichzeitig...
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This short paper describes the legacy of the Courage/Crehan case of the Court of Justice in light of the Kone and Otis judgments and more recent developments exemplified in the German Federal Court of Justice judgment Schienenkartell V
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Resale or retail price maintenance (“RPM”) refers to an agreement between an upstream and a downstream firm in a vertical value chain concerning the retail level price. RPM refers either to a maximum, a minimum, or a fixed price that retailers agree to charge their customers. At first sight...
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