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We propose and test empirically a theory describing the endogenous formation and persistence of mega-states, using China as an example. We suggest that the relative timing of the emergence of agricultural societies, and their distance from each other, set off a race between their autochthonous...
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We propose and test empirically a theory describing the endogenous formation and persistence of mega-states, using China as an example. We suggest that the relative timing of the emergence of agricultural societies, and their distance from each other, set off a race between their autochthonous...
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We propose and test empirically a theory describing the endogenous formation and persistence of mega-states, using China as an example. We suggest that the relative timing of the emergence of agricultural societies, and their distance from each other, set off a race between their autochthonous...
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We propose and test empirically a theory describing the endogenous formation and persistence of mega-states, using China as an example. We suggest that the relative timing of the emergence of agricultural societies, and their distance from each other, set off a race between their autochthonous...
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We propose and test empirically a theory describing the endogenous formation and persistence of mega-states, using China as an example. We suggest that the relative timing of the emergence of agricultural societies, and their distance from each other, set off a race between their autochthonous...
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Celebrating the centennial of the Lausanne Peace Treaty, signed on July 24, 1923, this article highlights its significance in laying the groundwork for the Republic of Turkey. The Treaty, a turning point in Turkish history, showcased the power of the Nationalist Movement led by Mustafa Kemal to...
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A Swedish professor has been accused of committing xenophobic acts towards a Turkish university student. This occurrence, at first glance, seems ostensibly an isolated example of a lack of tolerance and acceptance in academia. It is helpful to briefly recall the last elections in Sweden and the...
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Osamostatnění se v roce 1991 bylo pro Ázerbajdžánce nečekaným darem. Pro tehdejší republikové vyvstal nesmírný problém, s nímž neměli žádné zkušenosti ani oni, ani jejich předchůdci – vybudovat od základů fungující národní stát. V době euforických očekávání,...
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Oblasť Severného Kaukazu sa vyznačuje vysokou mierou nestability. Medzi faktory, ktoré ovplyvňujú nestabilitu v regióne, je možné zaradiť: latentné napätie medzi etnikami, porušovanie ľudských práv, nerovnomerný hospodársky rozvoj, korupcia, organizovaný zločin....
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Ukrajina zažíva v posledných mesiacoch najhoršiu krízu od vyhlásenia nezávislosti - krízu politickú, ekonomickú, kultúrnu, sociálnu. Článok sa preto zaoberá analýzou základných tendencií transformácie politického systému a faktorov, ktoré mali aj majú vplyv na dnešnú...
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