Showing 11,551 - 11,560 of 11,612
We investigate whether a creaming off of highly able students from Dutch universities is taking place. Therefore, we examine the relation between ability and the destination of recent graduates of Dutch universities. Students can choose to continue their academic career by investing in a PhD...
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Özellikle Avrupa Birliği çerçeve programları kapsamındaki araştırmalarda ülkelerarası ortak çalışma şart koşulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada farklı ülkelerden yapılan ortak çalışmalar ile fen bilimleri ve sosyal bilimlerdeki kaliteli yayın miktarı, araştırmacı sayısı ve...
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To achieve technological capabilities that can lead to sustainable competitive advantage, there is a need for a highly qualified workforce that is capable of innovating and managing technology. Therefore, education on technology and innovation management is increasing in importance, especially...
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We study intrinsic motivation for university students' compliance with the requirements of academic ethics. A theoretical model presented in the paper suggests that such motivation is predicated on students' moral norms, on their expectations of rule compliance among their peers, and on their...
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In the recent past, expectations concerning universities have emphasised their active role in enhancing economic and regional development. The universities in geographical areas suffering from structural problems are particularly required to play this role. Moreover, the correlation between the...
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In this paper we investigate the determinants of regret of study program for university graduates in Spain and the Netherlands. These two countries differ in their educational system in terms of their educational tracking in secondary education level and the strength of their education-labor...
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A cikk a tandíjak hallgatói keresletre és felsőoktatási részvételre gyakorolt hatásaival kapcsolatos kiterjedt amerikai szakirodalomra összpontosít. Egy elméleti modell szerint tökéletes információ, versenyzői felsőoktatási piacok és profitmaximáló felsőoktatási...
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Cikkünkben fel szeretnénk hívni a figyelmet arra, hogy a felsőoktatás intézményi kereteire vonatkozó döntések nagyban befolyásolják a benne résztvevők cselekvési lehetőségeit, illetve motivációit. Bemutatjuk a Mas-Colell [2003] által definiált oktatá si és kutatási...
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Intézményi rangsorokat sokféleképpen alkotnak. Egyszerre több szempont alapján értékelik a felsőoktatási intézményeket - például a minősített oktatók száma vagy az egy oktatóra jutó hallgatók száma alapján. Ez a rangsorolás számos kérdést felvet: egyrészt az egyes...
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In this chapter, we use the story of the student hazing in French universities as an unethical behavior to illustrate how materialities are used to construct and destruct the corporate reputation. The study focuses on multiple stakeholders’ perceptions and practices over time. Using data...
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