Showing 41 - 50 of 4,193
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La teoría austriaca del ciclo económico se fundamenta en mecanismosde transmisión monetaria para explicar los auges y las recesiones. Deacuerdo a los postulados austriacos, los mercados son procesos dinámicosde interacción entre los agentes económicos, en los cuales no se identificauna...
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La teoría económica contemporánea ofrece en términos generales, tres grandes líneas de pensamientopara estudiar los fenómenos y el comportamiento de las variables macroeconómicas. Los intentosde explicar y predecir se han polarizado alrededor de tres «modelos» diferentes , escuelas...
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Teoretické koncepty európskej integrácie vychádzajú primárne z tradičných teórií medzinárodných vzťahov, no od 40.rokov 20. storočia sa do popredia dostávajú východiská, ktoré boli odvodené priamo od integračného vývoja na európskom kontinente. Cieľom tohto príspevku je...
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The Quran is the primary source for the teachings and beliefs of Islam. While the community may change the social and economic policies inspired by Islamic values ??in order to meet the changing socio-economic needs of society, the basic principles of Islamic economics and the social system,...
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Hayek’s and Popper’s bibliographies, their biographies, their methodological theses in favor of individualism, their common commitment against historicism, historism and planism, and crossed references in their writings bring us to infer (at least) some intellectual debate between them, or...
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Irving Fisher was the first economist to posit what has come to be known as uncovered interest parity relation. He was also the first to offer a peso-problem type explanation for important episodes in which it was violated. After reviewing his theoretical and empirical work on this subject, we...
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Training and skill development represents a process in progress during the whole career and involves specialized training both within the organization and throughout the professional and social environment. Notion of skill/ com-petence has been the object of investigation for many sciences....
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En las dos décadas finales del siglo XIX surgió la novela decadente como una oposición al realismo y al naturalismo, las corrientes dominantes hasta aquel momento. Los decadentes eran críticos de la industrialización, del mundo financiero y de la economía de mercado en general. Los...
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The paper deals with the problem of the critical appraisal of the economic theory of fascist corporatism and of the place such doctrine should be allowed in the history of Italian economic thought. The ideological, political and economic beliefs of the various tendencies of corporatism are...
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