Showing 61 - 70 of 4,193
Tocqueville has been described as nostalgic of former times and aristocracy. According to this view, his criticisms of democracy show his preference for aristocratic societies. Here I try to show that it is not nostalgia, but his acute perception of the advantages and shortcomings of democracy...
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In this paper I explore Tocqueville´s views on poverty and pauperism in democratictimes. Tocqueville´s explanation of economic and social phenomena linked to the raiseof equality, show the difficult dilemmas he foresaw with the consolidation of democracy and increasing industrialization. New...
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To the contemporary historian, Rerum Novarum is a socio-political event. I will take it at its word and study it for its content rather than its impact. If the Church failed to return to the centre of European affairs, this must be due to its failure to suggest a constructive approach to...
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L'objectif des entreprises de l'économie sociale et solidaire est théoriquement de contribuer à l'amélioration du bien-être social. Dans les faits, nous constatons cependant que leur comportement réside dans la recherche du profit et la conquête de nouveaux marchés. Dans une économie...
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A Hegelianized version of Althusser's concept of problematic is used to investigate the underlying theoretical unity and structure of Arabic physical science (physics, astronomy and chemistry). A contradictory triad (associated with Platonism, Aristotelianism and Ptolemaism) is identified at the...
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Written in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the American Economic Review, this paper recounts the history of the journal. The recounting has an analytic core that sees the American Economic Association as an organization supplying goods and services to its members, one of which is the...
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El pensamiento keynesiano puede entenderse como una suerte de derivación de las ideas mercantilistas. El sistema mercantilista no solamente se debe ver como un conjunto de comerciantes cuya pretensión más importante era la de hacer más rico al Estado y a ellos mismos, sino que también se...
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Abstract: Im Rahmen eines Mehrsektoren-Modells der österreichischen Kapitaltheorie entwickle ich für die Parameter des 21. Jahrhunderts die Hypothese des negativen natürlichen Zinses, d.h. des Gleichgewichtszinses in einem Zustand ohne Staatsschulden. Ich nenne dies das NNIM-Modell (negative...
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Dieser Aufsatz reflektiert das Verständnis von Mensch und Natur, welches dem Denken von Malthus zugrunde liegt und kontrastiert es mit dem völlig anderen Verständnis seines Zeitgenossen William Wordsworth. Wir zeigen, dass die ökonomischen Überlegungen beider entscheidend durch diese...
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