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The effect of public investment on economic growth is a crucial public policy issue. Empirical research into this question was stimulated by Aschauer (1989), who suggested that public capital has a powerful impact on the productivity of private capital.Aschauer's results were controversial and...
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The paper analyses the way in which monetary and fiscal policy influences the performances of economic growth and social welfare. The analysis is made on the basis of a dynamic model with discrete variables. The model is with a representative private agent and a government sector consisting of a...
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The paper analyses the way in which monetary and fiscal policy influences the performances of economic growth. The analysis is made on the basis of a dynamic model with discrete variables of the Sidrauski- Brock type, with infinite-lived households and money in the utility function. The model is...
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is important since the literature, based on Loyo (1999), argues that the fiscal theory of the price level can provide an …
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I use micro data to quantify key features of U.S. firm financing. In particular, I establish that a substantial 35% of firms' investment is funded using financial markets. I then construct a dynamic equilibrium model that matches these features and fit the model to business cycle data using...
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This report is one of the first studies discussing monetary base analysis and control model, a concept even today is alive and more developed by, for example, by IMF to use its analysis. The study presents monetary base approach to control of money flows and the links between monetary base,...
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This paper addresses the perspective of Hayek's doctrine on monetary arrangements in the economy and his favorable argument for an international central bank over national central bank. I also discussed Hayek's view on free banking (i.e. for the free issue of bank notes) that would enable the...
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Fiat money requires no backing to be accepted at a uniquely determined positive value. I show this using an equilibrium model with realistic frictions and rational households allowed to freely interact in a competitive environment. The model portrays a modern 'cashless' economy relying on...
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This paper incorporates a bubble term in the standard FTPL equation to explain why countries with persistently negative primary surpluses can have a positively valued currency and low inflation. It also provides an example with closed-form solutions in which idiosyncratic risk on capital returns...
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We consider monetary-policy rules with inflation-rate targets and interest-rate or money-growth instruments using a flexible-price, perfect-foresight model. There is always a locally-unique target equilibrium. There may also be below-target equilibria (BTE) with inflation always below target and...
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