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An extensive literature that studied the performance of empirical exchange rate models following Meese and Rogoff's (1983a) seminal paper has not convincingly found evidence of out-of-sample exchange rate predictability. This paper extends the conventional set of models of exchange rate...
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This paper documents two facts about countries with floating exchange rates where monetary policy controls inflation using a short-term interest rate. First, the current real exchange rate predicts future changes in the nominal exchange rate at horizons greater than two years both in sample and...
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Two main objectives of Structural Vector AutoRegression (SVAR) modeling are recovering structural shocks from reduced form shocks and Impulse-Response Analysis and Forecast error variance decomposition. As is well known, the first of these is possible only if the number of structural shocks is...
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Determining the exchange rate pass-through on inflation is a necessity for central banks as well as for firms and households. This is an apparently easy and intuitive task, but it faces high complexity and uncertainty. This paper examines the short and long-term impact of an exchange rate shock...
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In this study, we explore the pass-through of exchange rate fluctuations to domestic CPI and its components for Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Russia. Using the data of 2003:Q1- 2016:Q2, we estimate a VAR model and find significant but incomplete pass-through in all sample countries. The accumulated...
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We look at a panel of Latin American countries from 1970 and 2016 to enquire how exchange rate pass-through has changed over time, and whether this owes to monetary or real shocks hitting the economy. We estimate conventional pass-through measures, both short and long run; then we obtain rolling...
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The pass-through from exchange rate changes to inflation differs depending on the underlying shock. This paper quantifies the conditional exchange rate pass-through (CERPT) to prices, i.e. the change in prices relative to that in the exchange rate following a certain exogenous shock, with a...
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How do nominal exchange rates adjust after surprise contractions in monetary policy? While the seminal contribution by Dornbusch provides concise predictions - exchange rates appreciate, i.e., overshoot on impact before depreciating gradually - empirical support for his hypothesis is at best...
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We study the impact of the ECB's large scale asset purchase programme on selected euro area and neighbouring countries. The effects of the programme are assessed by conducting an event study as well as by estimating a structural VAR model using a shadow short rate as a measure of the monetary...
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The paper analyzes the sources of exchange rate movements in emerging economies in the context of monetary tapering by the Federal Reserve. A structural vector autoregression framework with a long-run restriction is used to decompose the movements of nominal ex-change rates into two components:...
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