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In the context of climate protection policy it has been suggested that global CO2 emissions should be reduced significantly (contraction) and that per capita emissions should gradually be equalized across countries (convergence). This paper uses a dynamic multi-region computable general...
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The Kyoto Protocol marks a break-through in global warming mitigation policies as it sets legally binding emissions targets for major emitting regions. However, realisation of the Protocol depends on the clarification of several issues one of which is the permissible scope of international...
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The allocation of emissions entitlements across countries is the single most controversial issue in international climate policy. Extreme positions within the policy debate range from entitlement based on current emission patterns (CEP) to equal-per-capita (EPC) allocations.Convergence (COV)...
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We critically review the Kyoto Protocol and thirteen alternative policy architectures for addressing the threat of global climate change. We employ six criteria to evaluate the policy proposals: environmental outcome, dynamic efficiency, cost effectiveness, equity, flexibility in the presence of...
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Scientific and economic consensus increasingly points to the need for a credible and cost-effective approach to address the threat of global climate change, but the Kyoto Protocol to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change appears incapable of inducing significant participation and...
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Emissions trading and the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources are key elements of German and European energy and climate policy. However, some critics oppose a targeted promotion of renewable energy, arguing in particular that this is ineffective or even damaging in conjunction...
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A number of substantive goals and mechanisms for implementing an integrated climate and energy policy have been ratified over the last two years at the European level. By 2020, greenhouse gas emissions in Europe are to be reduced by at least 20 percent; energy efficiency improved by 20 percent;...
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Die Förderung erneuerbarer Energien und der Emissionshandel sind wesentliche Elemente der europäischen und der nationalen Energie- und Klimapolitik. Einige Kritiker lehnen jedoch die gezielte Förderung erneuerbarer Energien ab, insbesondere mit dem Argument, sie sei im Zusammenhang mit dem...
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Im Rahmen der integrierten Energie- und Klimapolitik sind auf europäischer Ebene in den letzten zwei Jahren wesentliche politische Ziele und Mechanismen zu deren Umsetzung beschlossen worden: Bis 2020 sollen in Europa die Treibhausgasemissionen um mindestens 20 Prozent gesenkt, die...
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Deutschlands Stromversorgung steht an einem Wendepunkt. Kohle ist wie die Kernkraft keine Zukunftstechnologie. Auf den Zubau von Kohlekraftwerken kann verzichtet werden, wenn rasch in den Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien investiert wird. Ein Weg in eine sichere und saubere Energieversorgung ist...
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