Showing 23,751 - 23,760 of 747,536
The empirical evidence on the earnings of educated groups in Tanzania is limited. This study uses a recently completed tracer survey of secondary school completers to analyse the impact of educational qualifications on labour market earnings. Our findings suggest that the rates of return to the...
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This paper analyses the dynamics of income inequality of wage earners in Slovenia from 1991 to 2005, using two different datasets. Both are derived from the personal income tax files. The first is obtained by the Statistical Office of Slovenia, extracting all full-time employees from these files...
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We consider the problem of estimating and decomposing wage differentials in the presence of unobserved worker, firm, and match heterogeneity. Controlling for these unobservables corrects omitted variable bias in previous studies. It also allows us to measure the contribution of unmeasured...
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theory to investigate the impact of this institutional change on TVP wage determination. It is found that education as one of …
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Under traditional Chinese socialist ideology, labour is not considered as a commodity, and wages are not viewed as the price of labour. Market oriented economic reform initiated in the late 1970s, however, has brought some changes to this politically sensitive area—pricing and allocation of...
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This paper tests whether the academic achievement is a significant determinant of the employment status in the Italian labor market: are the new entrepreneurs selected from the top or bottom end of the graduates ability distribution? Is the cream of the graduate crop pulled into self-employment...
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The aim of this paper is to study in a comprehensive way and with the best and most updated information available the size, evolution, characteristics and welfare implications of low wages in Spain from 1994 to2004. In order to do so we have exploited in a consistent way the 8 waves of the...
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The number of firms and the wage inequality increased in U.S. manufacturing industries after the late 1970s and early 1980s, when the so-called "Carter/Reagan deregulation" was implemented. This paper provides a possible theoretical explanation for this observed relationship between the number...
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This paper examines the wage returns to different academic disciplines in the Greek labour market. Exploring wage responsiveness across the various degree subjects in the case of Greece is interesting, as it is characterised by high levels of graduate unemployment, which vary considerably by...
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This study attempts to estimate the ‘utility cost’ of temporary employment contracts purged of the psychological effects of adaptation. A conjoint analysis experiment is used that examines the ex-ante contract preferences of a unique sample of low-skilled employees from 7 European countries....
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