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The purpose of this work is to verify the existence of financial constraints for investment in Brazil, an emerging … market with growing international visibility. Using panel data methodology and GMM, we estimate dynamic investment models … based on the Euler equation and Tobin's q for a panel dataset of 199 Brazilian nonfinancial firms for the time period 1995 …
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We use the stochastic frontier approach to estimate the impact of firm characteristics on investment decisions of Indian firms during the 1997-2006 period. The use of the stochastic frontier approach allows us to define the (unobserved) optimum investment that is consistent with a firm's...
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We investigate the effect of financial constraints on the investment decisions of Slovenian firms during the current financial and economic crisis. By estimating the error-correction model and the Euler-equation specification, we found that corporate investments were significantly affected by...
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We investigate the effect of financial constraints on the investment decisions of Slovenian firms during the current financial and economic crisis. By estimating the error-correction model and the Euler-equation specification, we found that corporate investments were significantly affected by...
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changes, have been positive for firm investment and have contributed to the development of Brazil …
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The aim of this paper is to investigate whether Brazilian manufacturing firms are credit constrained. We exploit a rich database that contains more than three thousand firms with characteristics that may affect their degree of credit constraint: size, being listed in the Brazilian stock market...
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informationally opaque. The application of a non-linear panel threshold model makes it possible to group firms endogenously according … measures of solvency are used as potential threshold variables. The firm-level panel dataset covers the period between 2006 and …
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restrictive access to external sources of funds. The application of a non-linear panel threshold model allows us to group firms …
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