Showing 51 - 60 of 75
As the gateways to an increasingly global market, transportation corridors are the arteries through which evertone, and everything everyone consumes, flow. Transportation networks stimulate trillions of dollars in trade, commerce, and tourism. In a global economy, they enable specialization in...
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The progress of civilized man is reflected in his accomplishments in transportation: the invention of the wheel; the voyages of Leif Ericson and Christopher Columbus; the explorations of Cook, Drake, Magellan, and Marco Polo; Charlemagne's construction of the canal system of Europe; the driving...
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Airlines were among the first of the major infrastructure industries to be deregulated, with the promulgation of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978. In that legislation, Congress took the unprecedented step of sunsetting a major regulatory agency - the Civil Aeronautics Board, which had been...
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More than a decade after the Arab oil embargo, the industrialized West still relies on an endless string of ocean tankers to satisfy its profligate need for energy. Every day, more than 100,000,000 tons of oil are transported by ocean vessels. In shipping lanes that each day become more...
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The political and economic problems associated with this nation's dependence on the heroin of foreign oil have made it imperative that we exploit domestic energy alternatives and reduce energy consumption. Among the most promising long-term solutions to this nation's need for liquid fuel are the...
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As a huge and disparate country, Canada has been dependent on good transportation lines to keep its people together and to safeguard its sovereignty. Railroad construction was mentioned in the British North America Act and was on the minds of the Fathers of Confederation. Rail service developed...
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The United States has assumed a position of world leadership in its efforts to reduce or eliminate tariff barriers, trade inhibitions, and investment restrictions, enabling goods, technology, services, and capital to move freely between States in the international arena. As a part of this...
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In recent years, Congress has promulgated major legislation designed to reform the regulatory environment for the passenger transportation industry. These statutes include the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978, and the Bus Regulatory Reform Act of 1982. Almost two decades before these legislative...
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In the summer of 1980, President Carter signed into law one of the most significant pieces of legislation in almost 50 years of surface transport regulation - the Motor Carrier Act of 1980. In many respects this new law affirms the quasi-judicial relaxation of regulatory standards begun three...
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Without amendment of the legislative policy which directed American telecommunications for half a century, an overzealous Justice Department and a maverick federal judge dismantled American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T), the North American telecommunications giant, scattering its dismembered...
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