Showing 41 - 47 of 47
Azerbaijan Republic has coorporated with World Bank since September, 1992 and this coorporation has highly developed every year. World Bank has dealed with Azerbaijan on a different,colorful and important projects such as education, healthy, agriculture, protecting, historical-cultural...
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Avropa İqtisadi və Valyuta İttifaqı, 1946-cı ildən etibarən həyata keçirilən və 1971-ci ildə elastik valyuta sisteminin qurulması ilə başa çatan Bretton Woods Sistemindən bu yana beynəl-xalq pul sistemində yaşanan ən əhəmiyyətli irəliləyişdir. Günümüzdə Avro,...
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Ortaq pul sistemi , iqtisadi bloklaşma vəya iqtisadi inteqrasiya olaraq da ifadə ediləbiləcək olan iqtisadi birliyin mərhələlərindən biridir. Hələ İkinci Dünya Müharibəsi sona çatmadan , BVF qurulmasından sonra Amerika Dolları dünyada ən çox istifadə edilən ortaq valyuta...
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Large energy reserves have been a major contributor to the Azerbaijan economy, and affected the country's exports volume, and have become a main determinant of the country's economic structure. Azerbaijan is a country that has major oil and gas based economy with the completion of the...
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It is widely recognized that many developed countries have established democratic institutions, while the majority of developing countries are far from being democratic states (e.g. Acemoglu, 2008). One argument for this discrepancy is that there exists a strong relationship between democracy...
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Large energy reserves have been a major contributor to the Azerbaijan economy, and affected the country's exports volume, and have become a main determinant of the country's economic structure. Azerbaijan is a country that has major oil and gas based economy with the completion of the...
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The Republic of Azerbaijan is one of the oil and gas rich countires of the former Soviet Union. After the second stage of the Shah Deniz gas field, natural gas exltation and exportation became one of the key issues in Azerbaijan’s oil and gas stategy. Diversification of the oil and gas...
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