Showing 92,881 - 92,890 of 94,089
Recently Acemolgu, Aghion, Bursztyn and Hemous (AER 2012) formulated a model in which a high macroeconomic elasticity of substitution between clean and dirty production represents a crucial condition for green growth. Until now it has never been systematically estimated. Using a novel panel of...
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Endogenous firm location is analyzed in a discrete two-region-two-firm model of product differentiation. In a non-cooperative game, two regional governments first decide on the imposition (or lifting) of domestic production standards; firms then choose technology (clean or polluting), location...
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The Pollution-Haven Hypothesis suggests that tight environmental standards reduce domestic producers' competitiveness and give rise to their relocating to countries with more lenient standards. This paper questions that relocation is always caused by reduced competitiveness at home. By using a...
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In its efforts to faces the challenges of emerging from the crisis, the EU tries to put the European economies on a sustainable growth path through the 2014-2020 Common Strategic Framework (CSF), sought as an instrument for implementing the Europe 2020 Strategy. According to the CSF thematic...
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The vast majority of approaches in environmental economics attribute the current ecological crisis to the fact that, from its inception, the industrial economic system was founded on premises that made no allowance for the limits and regulatory functions of ecosystems. According to these...
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Various types of policy instruments have been implemented to reduce local and global emissions, but the impact on innovation of different instruments has received less attention. This paper reviews empirical studies of the innovation impact of four main types of policy instruments in two...
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Research has shown that introducing external incentives to encourage pro-social behavior, such as monetary rewards or regulation, may crowd out voluntary pro-social activity. This has implications for the appropriate design and use of such incentive-based programs. This study investigates...
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Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) have become a popular instrument in the last decades and this growing trend is also clearly evident in Brazil. However, challenges related to implementation of these schemes are often underestimated. Any guarantee that a payment will secure or provide such a...
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We provide critical notes to the paper by Kallis et al. (2013) on monetary valuation. We evaluate the four criteria they propose for assessing valuation studies. We argue that no clear distinction is made between monetary valuation and pricing instruments. The selected criteria are more relevant...
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The aim of this paper is to provide a theoretical model in order to analyse environmental policy under uncertainty regarding the possibility of a natural disaster. We adopt a two-periods analytical model, to investigate two different institutional settings, one featuring a myopic social planner,...
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