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The global food system is in a state of profound crisis. Decades of misguided aid, trade and production policies have resulted in an unprecedented erosion of agrobiodiversity that renders the world's food supply vulnerable to catastrophic crop failure in the event of drought, heavy rains, and...
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Communities disparately burdened by environmental degradation are increasingly framing their demands for environmental justice in the language of environmental human rights. However, some scholars have expressed skepticism about the environmental human rights project. First, they remind us that...
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Scientists believe that climate change will displace hundreds of millions of people by 2050. Most of this displacement will occur in the ecologically and economically vulnerable states of the Global South. Neither international refugee law nor the legal regime governing climate change has...
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The failure of international law and institutions to address global environmental degradation has significant implications for law and society as the planet's ecosystems approach irreversible tipping points. According to a recent study published in the journal Science, the global economy has...
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Analyses of the viability of biofuels as alternatives to fossil fuels have often adopted a technocratic approach that focuses on environmental consequences, but places less emphasis on the impact that biofuels may have on vulnerable populations. This Article fills the gap in the existing...
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This chapter examines the numerous forms of “loss and damage” experienced by poor and racialized communities who reside in the sacrifice zones of the fossil fuel-based world economy (carbon capitalism), including displacement, dispossession, and poisoning of land, air, and water. It argues...
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This article examines the legal and moral basis for migration as a form of reparation for the harms inflicted on the states and peoples of the Global South through climate change and through centuries of predatory economic policies. Using Central American migration to the United States as a case...
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This article expands our understanding of climate justice by demonstrating how racial subordination, environmental degradation, and the fossil fuel-based capitalist world economy are interrelated. It uses these insights to critique the emerging legal and policy responses to climate...
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The article draws upon the insights of Yale philosopher Thomas Pogge to suggest a way that we might think about the structural inequities in the global economic order that produce food insecurity. The article argues that chronic undernourishment is not a function of food scarcity, bad weather,...
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Sustainable development came of age with the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015. The SDGs represent a commitment by world leaders to achieve integrated and interdependent economic, social, and environmental targets by 2030, with...
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