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This paper consits of two parts .. First part is a Static model..and models a globalised economy and observes the effects of sense of security between nations and the willingness of people to develop and cooperate.the Second part considers the world as a set of regions specialising in production...
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More than 170 years ago, Frédéric Bastiat noted in his masterly work Economic Sophisms that the “opposition to free trade rests upon errors, or, if you prefer, upon half-truths.”1 Ever since Adam Smith successfully replaced mercantilist orthodoxy with free trade doctrine in his celebrated...
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As a result of the program of social, political, and economic reforms called doi moi" (meaning renovation) implemented by the Communist Party in 1986, market forces have been allowed to operate in Vietnam subject to state supervision. The centerpiece of doi moi has been to attract foreign...
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For several decades, the international community has aspired to integrate the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability. Yet, no country has achieved the patterns of consumption and production that could sustain global prosperity in the coming decades. Thus, with the...
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The terms governing land investments can shape whether host countries and local communities benefit from investment projects. Yet host governments in low- and middle-income countries often lack sufficient legal and technical capacity to prepare for, negotiate, implement, and monitor investments,...
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It is often claimed that what is popularly known as the "flying geese paradigm" of dynamic comparative advantage has accurately depicted the East Asian catching-up process. This paper presents a critical study of the paradigm, as well as its application to the current situation in East Asia...
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It is the popular belief that employment growth should have been at an equal pace with the growth of Manufacturing industry in India post major economic reforms in 1991, but number of studies show that it has not been so. Though it’s seen that employment has indeed increased post 1991 reforms...
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The rise of the extreme poles in the European political Spectrum, corresponds currently with a clear call for help by the site of simple People, combined with the desire for a serious confrontation with the tragic impasse reproduced by the extreme Problems of the everyday live . In this case,...
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This paper seeks to add to the current debate about financial development and growth in the emerging world by looking at how different financial systems evolve : how and why financial structures change during various stages of development, how best to measure them, and seeing what practical...
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Das Verhaeltnis von Wirtschaft und Religion ist umstritten. Angesichts globalisierter Interdependenzen und der vielfaeltigen Gestaltungsvorschlaege hat sich dieser Streit verstaerkt zurueckgemeldet. Eilert Herms vertritt eine dezidierte Position, indem er Religion als...
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