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Recent work using decontextualized economic games suggests that cooperation is a dynamic decision-making process: automatic responses typically support cooperation on average, while deliberation leads to increased selfishness. Here we performed two studies examining how these temporal effects...
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scheme and investigate the effects of communication, an aspect typically assumed to be irrelevant by theory. We consider …
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We elicit human conditional punishment types by conducting experiments. We find that their punishment decisions to an individual are on average significantly positively proportional to other members' punishment decisions to that individual
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and incentives as sources of this effect. This paper reports data from a novel experiment aimed at determining the …
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In this paper, I present an empirical model of learning under ambiguity in the context of clinical trials. Patients are concern with learning the treatment effect of the experimental drug, but face the ambiguity of random group assignment. A two dimensional Bayesian model of learning is proposed...
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absence of group deliberation − affects the choice. The experiment utilizes the Interdependent Security Dilemma paradigm. In …
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We test for behavioral differences between groups and individuals in gift-exchange experiments. Related studies establish group behavior as typically closer to the game - theoretic equilibrium. We show that this result may depend crucially on the decision making procedure within groups. A novel...
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We review two fundamentally different ways that decision time is related to cooperation. First, studies have experimentally manipulated decision time to understand how cooperation is related to the use of intuition versus deliberation. Current evidence supports the claim that time pressure (and,...
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& Miller 2002) and (Engellman & Strobel 2004) by using an experiment that allows us to measure willingness-to-pay for equality …
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This paper uses a laboratory experiment to analyze how a group of voters experiment with a new reform. The experiment …
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