Showing 3,181 - 3,190 of 3,259
The paper presents evidence that validate the focusing illusion. Specifically, the forecasted impact of a basketball championship on students’ subjective well-being was exaggerated because of their intense focus on the event. However, the self-reported states of being for life domains not...
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We compare two manipulative forces from our daily shopping environment: store environment and advertising. Deviating from existing studies in the literature, we isolate store environment and advertising by using a simple experimental design, and we use a revealed preference methodology for...
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We study the effects of deposit insurance and observability of previous actions on the emergence of bank runs by means of a controlled laboratory experiment. We consider three depositors in the line of a bank, who decide between withdrawing or keeping their money deposited. We have three...
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This paper considers the effects of the opportunity to change partners on communication. We experiment a standard cheap talk game where a player observes a private forecast before disclosing it (truthfully or untruthfully) in a message that he/she sends to his/her partner. Two treatments are...
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In this paper I examine the relationship between Pareto-optimality and group size in linear public goods games or experiments. In particular, I use the standard setting of homogeneous linear public goods experiments and apply a recently developed tool to identify all Pareto-optimal allocations...
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A közgazdaságtani modellek túlnyomó részében az embereket kizárólag az önérdekkövetés jellemzi: nincsenek tekintettel mások jólétére. A valóságban azonban ez a viselkedés igencsak ritka. Az önzés feltevésén alapuló modellek sikerének oka, hogy a valóságos gazdasági...
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A gondolat, amely szerint a vállalatok közötti verseny és együttműködés egyszerre van jelen az üzleti gyakorlatban, kiemelt figyelemet kap az üzleti tudományok területén, ugyanakkor meglehetősen kevés elméleti modell született a probléma megjelenítésére. A tanulmányban egy...
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This paper discusses the choice of the number of participants for within-subjects (WS) designs and between-subjects (BS) designs based on simulations of statistical power allowing for different numbers of experimental periods. We illustrate the usefulness of the approach in the context of field...
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El ensayo es un aporte fundamental a los procesos interdisciplinarios queinciden en la economía, cuyo impacto y trascendencia comienzan a serdescubiertos a través del laboratory method como reglas implícitas quedevienen de una institucionalidad que se explica por la evolución culturaly...
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This study is directly motivated by the results of Eckartz et al (2012). Subjects exerted suprisingly high efforts irrespectively of how they were compensated. This paper discusses a number of potential explanations and then it will focus on two of them: first, subjects might exert effort simply...
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