Showing 31 - 40 of 114
Spanish Abstract: Este artículo examina la problemática jurídica que suscitan las cláusulas contractuales que contienen referencias a terceros, en particular, las que aluden a competidores o rivales de las partes contratantes para regular distintos aspectos de la relación contractual. La...
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Spanish Abstract: Este trabajo revisa los primeros fallos de las Audiencias Provinciales en los recursos de apelación contra las sentencias dictadas por los juzgados mercantiles resolviendo demandas de indemnización de daños causados por el cártel de los fabricantes de camiones sancionado...
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Spanish Abstract: "En su sentencia de 23 de septiembre de 2020, el Tribunal Supremo alemán (BGH) clarifica algunas de las dudas que se han suscitado en los tribunales alemanes sobre las reclamaciones de daños derivados de ílicitos concurrenciales. Aunque el fallo se centra en cuestiones...
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Spanish Abstract: Este trabajo examina la reacción de las autoridades de competencia españolas frente a las barreras y restricciones públicas injustificadas a la libre competencia. Esta actuación complementa las actuaciones preventivas que realizan en ejercicio de la función de promoción y...
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English Abstractt The publication on June 30, 2020 of the Decision sanctioning Scania concerning its participation in the trucks’ manufacturers collusion -that was adopted by the European Commission three years ago (9/27/2017)- is the axis around which this article is built. Firstly, it...
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English Abstract: After briefly describing the institutional and legal framework for antitrust damages claims in Spain, this article surveys the courts’ experience in deciding these actions and shows the rise in cartel follow-on claims in the last five years. Damages claims for antitrust...
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After briefly describing the institutional and legal framework for antitrust damages claims in Spain, this article surveys the courts’ experience in deciding these actions and shows the rise in cartel follow-on claims in the last five years. Damages claims for antitrust infringements declared...
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When the 1978 Constitution opted for a market economy system as the principal mechanism for distributing goods and services it included other relevant declarations which seemed to imply that the Spanish market was to be a single one.The principle of a single market is a Constitutional Court...
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The papers dwells on the thorny debate which is nowadays being held in the Spanish legal profession regarding the rendering of legal services by audit firms. Compared with other countries, the debate in Spain has been rather belated, and it is currently at its zenith due to the discussion of new...
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