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This paper has three main objectives. First, it examines the level of multifactor productivity (MFP) in Canada relative to that of the United States for the 1994-to-2003 period. Second, it examines the relative importance of differences in capital intensity and MFP in accounting for the labour...
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Le present document comprend un examen du niveau de productivite du travail au Canada par rapport aux Etats Unis en 1999. A cette fin, deux questions sont abordees principalement. La premiere est celle de la comparabilite des mesures du PIB et de l'intrant travail produites par l'organisme...
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Dans cet article, on examine les causes eventuelles des ecarts par rapport a la parite de pouvoir d'achat (PPA) entre le Canada et les Etats-Unis observes au cours des annees 1980 et 1990. En outre, on etudie l'effet de la productivite ainsi que l'hypothese sous-jacente de la PPA concernant les...
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During the post-1970 period, Canadian manufacturing prices have alternately increased and fallen relative to U.S. prices' just the reverse of the cycle in the Canada' U.S. exchange rate. But not all manufacturing industries have experienced the same amplitude of relative price changes. This...
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This study examines the impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) and of foreign outsourcing on the demand for skilled workers. One of the defining features of the Canadian economy in the last two decades has been an increasing wage gap between more- and less-skilled workers....
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This paper uses a detailed industry-level data base of industry prices in the manufacturing sector in Canada and the United States to investigate whether prices are co-integrated in the two countries and whether the relationship between the two sets of prices follows the law of one price. We...
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The paper examines whether Canadians were paying more than the Americans for the goods and services they purchase, based on more than 160 product price data for each of the five years under study (1985, 1990, 1993, 1996, 1999).
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La presente etude porte sur la maniere dont l'expansion des entreprises sur les marches contribue a la croissance de la productivite. On y examine la question de savoir s'il existe un lien entre l'entree sur de nouveaux marches, tant internationaux qu'interieurs, et une croissance plus marquee...
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Le present document a pour objectif de determiner si l'integration des entreprises manufacturieres canadiennes dans une chaine de valeur mondiale (CVM) ameliore leur productivite. Pour tenir compte de l'effet d'autoselection (les entreprises plus productives choisissent elles-memes de se joindre...
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