Showing 71 - 80 of 276,950
In theory, market-based regulatory instruments correct market failures at least cost. However, evidence on their efficacy remains scarce. We evaluate the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) - the world's first and largest market-based climate policy. Using administrative data on...
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We study how European climate and energy policy targets affect different member states and households of different income quintiles within the member states. We find that renewable energy targets in power generation, by reducing EU ETS permit prices, may make net permit exporters worse off and...
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Unilateral climate policy induces carbon leakage through the relocation of emission-intensive and trade-exposed industries to regions with no or more lenient emission regulation. Both analytical and numerical studies suggest that emission pricing combined with border carbon adjustments may be a...
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Reaching carbon neutrality necessitates radical changes in terms of energy sources and industrial technologies. Some industries such as cement and lime emit significant amounts of process emissions, which will continue to be generated regardless of the type of energy source employed. One way to...
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Waste-to-energy (WtE) is a waste treatment process that incinerates waste to produce energy in the form of electricity and/or heat. WtE is considered one of the most environmentally-friendly methods of dealing with residual waste. The alternative to this process is waste dumping or landfilling,...
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Das Brennstoffemissionshandelsgesetz soll die Treibhausgasemissionen bepreisen, die vom EU-Emissionszertifikatehandel bislang nicht erfasst sind, insbesondere in den Sektoren Verkehr und Wärme. Wichtigster Punkt der geplanten Gesetzesänderung ist die deutliche Erhöhung der Emissionspreise in...
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This article updates the author's prior articles on carbon capture and storage (sequestration) to cover developments in 2010-2013. It also covers regulatory development concerning fossil-fueled electric power plants
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The U.S. Department of Energy is working to develop and implement commercial-scale carbon capture and storage. This article discusses the technical and legal problems that must be resolved to have a viable program. It concludes that whether carbon sequestration becomes a commercial reality will...
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This article focuses on NEPA compliance by the U.S. Department of Energy and its National Energy Technology Laboratory concerning the funding of carbon capture and storage projects. The article concludes that NEPA documents that are produced comply with the statute’s requirements, but the...
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